The Feline Conservation Foundation stands at the forefront of conservation efforts dedicated to preserving wild feline populations and their habitats.
Through a multifaceted approach encompassing fundraising, education, and advocacy, we strive to make a tangible difference in the fight to safeguard these majestic creatures for generations to come.
Central to our conservation strategy is our commitment to supporting in situ conservation projects. FCF provides vital funding to various flagship initiatives aimed at protecting endangered feline species and their habitats worldwide. Over the years, we have contributed over $50,000 to these projects, ensuring that crucial conservation efforts receive the support they need to thrive.
One of the highlights of our fundraising endeavors is our annual Felid Fest event. This traveling celebration brings together feline enthusiasts and conservation advocates from across Florida, uniting them in a day of festivities and fundraising. Held at different zoological facilities each year, Felid Fest provides a unique opportunity for attendees to engage with conservation efforts firsthand while enjoying interactive activities, educational presentations, and more. Through Felid Fest, we not only raise critical funds for our conservation partners but also raise awareness about the importance of protecting wild felines and their habitats.
Organization | Support Description | Amount | Year |
Kids saving the rainforest | The start of the Ocelot Project. Provide resources and materials to build a grow out habitat for an ocelot being rehabbed for future release. | $2500 | 2024 |
Felines of the Pampa | Emergency grant to purchase 30 new game tail cameras damaged by unprecedented flooding in southern Brazil. | $2500 | 2024 |
Rainforest awareness rescue education center | The start of the Ocelot Project. Provide resources and materials to build a grow out habitat for an ocelot being rehabbed for future release. | $2500 | 2024 |
Geoffroy’s Cat Working Group | Fund several projects throughout Geoffroy’s cat home range | $6500 | 2024 |
S.P.E.C.I.E.S | Mapping the distribution and status of jaguars across the international Gran Chaco. Preventing and mitigating human-jaguar conflict, reducing jaguar mortality due to depredation, and exploring alternative economic land uses. | $5000 | 2023 |
Geoffroy’s Cat Working Group | Road signs to mitigate car strikes in 5 home range country’s of the Geoffroy’s cat | $6500 | 2023 |
Geoffroy’s Cat Working Group | Monitoring projects, camera traps, revitalize a local skate park with 5 wild feline cat species. | $5000 | 2022 |
Fauna Andina | Effect on Puma activity close to humans. | $2000 | 2021 |
Instituto Pró-Carnívoros | Ecosanitary relationships between wildcats and free-ranging domestic cat in southernmost Brazil | $2000 | 2021 |
Instituto Curicaca | Living on the edge: spatial and feeding ecology of jaguars in Turvo State Park | $2000 | 2021 |
Belize wild cats | Monitoring Maya Forest Wildlife Corridor wildlife re-introduction | $1800 | 2020 |
Malaysian Conservation Alliance for Tigers | Member conservation fundraiser for world tiger day | $500 | 2020 |
Cheetah Conservation Botswana | Support the ongoing training and care of four livestock guarding dogs. | $1,000 | 2020 |
Cheetah Conservation Botswana | Support the ongoing training and care of four livestock guarding dogs. | $1,000 | 2019 |
Cheetah Conservation Botswana | Support the ongoing training and care of four livestock guarding dogs. | $1,000 | 2018 |
Tsavo Cheetah Project | To fund the vehicle running costs associated with the hiring of two additional cheetah scouts and the printing of a year’s supply of educational materials for schools and communities. | $2,850 | 2017 |
Cheetah Conservation Botswana | Support the initial training and care of four livestock guarding dogs. | $1,000 | 2016 |
Ruaha Carnivore Project | Collecting baseline data on large carnivore populations in Ruaha, training local researchers, disseminating information, mitigating human-carnivore conflict and improving local capacity around Ruaha National Park. | $1,000 | 2015 |
Tsavo Cheetah Project | Support studying the Cheetah Population for Implementation of Conservation Measures for Their Survival, in Tsavo, Kenya. | $2,400 | 2015 |
Fishing Cat Conservancy | Enabling capacity-building training on wildlife camera-based monitoring of fishing cats. | $2,100 | 2014 |
Wildlife Conservation Society, India | Facilitate wildlife and nature conservation by providing reliable information and the tools needed to meet the ecological needs of wildlife populations in decline, and to the recovery and expansion of their habitats. | $500 | 2014 |
Small Cat Conservation Alliance | Effective conservation actions will be formulated and conducted based upon research that studies the effects of the native people’s consumption of viscachas, the principal prey of the Andean cat, the effects of mining activities, global warming, and the introduction of exotic species into the pristine ecosystem. | $15,000 | 2013 |
Guigna Conservation | To support an educational program and mitigating conservation activities to diminish cat-human conflict in the Valdivian Coastal Reserve in Chile | $1,500 | 2011 |
Marianela Velilla | Perform non-invasive methods of DNA testing of collected fecal samples to determine the number of individuals and species present in the Chaco of central Paraguay. | $800 | 2011 |
Dr Gerardo Acosta-Jamett | Study the ecology and threats to the guiña in Chile. | $1,000 | 2010 |
Carnivore and Pangolin Conservation Program’s | For field survey for Marbled Cat and Clouded Leopard in the Ke Go-Khe Net lowlands of Central Vietnam. | $800 | 2010 |
Andean Cat Conservation Center | Will support the estimated $10,000 annual operating costs for the Andean Cat Conservation and Monitoring Center. | $15,000 | 2009 |
Fauna Andina | The funds will be used for conservation of native Chilean fauna. | $3,400 | 2008 |
Margay Research | Buy eight brand new UHF/GPS radiocollars. | $5,000 | 2007 |